Bench cushion Foam

There is the perfect foam for every purpose, the trick is to select the correct one.

The upholstery studio has a lot of experience to help you select the correct foam. All environments will have deferring requirements from their foam.

In Domestic environments foam is normally selected based on comfort and ascetics. There are foams that are more suited to the home. Different levels of comfort and different design styles require different foams and upholstery techniques. Techniques such as layering or feather wrapping of foam are something we are very proficient in. We can advise you on which is best for you and what are the benefits and drawback of each type.

Commercial spaces such as restaurants bars and offices have different requirements to domestic foam. Commercial foams are generally firmer with more endurance. Most importantly the must strictly adheres to commercial standard set down by regulators with regards to fire safety.

Outdoor seating requires specialist foam developed especially for outdoor use. Using regular foam will not work. Regular foam act like a sponge trapping water in the cushion that is normally released when sat on. Not good. UV can break dowm foam . Out door foam contains high resistance to UV damage. Outdoor foam is more expensive then other foams but this cost has to be part of the job without question.

Some designers, decorators and upholsterers will attempt to lower the cost of seating by using cheaper foam. Upholstery studio does not do this. Cheaper foam will lower the quality and life span of seating. As the foam wears the covers will be come loose and unsightly and the seating uncomfortable. Quality foam is an Invesment. Knowledge of foam performance is important when deciding which foam to use. Upholstery studio often helps clients decide which foam will work for them. This is very important for bench and banquet seating.

If you have any question regarding foam we can help you.


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